Preservation :
- 18°C (0°F)
36 mois
Conseillé : entre 0°C et +4°C pendant 24 h environ et 48/72 h (5 et 20kg).
Possibles : dans l’eau tiède ou au four micro-ondes (programme décongélation).
Storage after defrosting/opening
Entre 0°C et +4°C, 5 jours maximum
Tub (1 Kg, 500 g ou 400 g)
* Low, compact rectangular form making it easy to hold and easy to store.
* Peel-off film for perfect hygiene and product conservation.
* Polypropylene pot adapted for deep freezing of food:
- microwave safe - resistant to shocks;
- translucent so the product is visible;
- reusable by the client.
* Moulded lid in the same material as the pot:
- highly resistant and resealable for the best possible conservation of the product;
- designed to be stable when stacked.
* IML labeling: molded into the pot for greater readability.
* Two lids colors: green for our 'Classic' products and blue for our 'Elite' products.